Envy audio cables

hi guys on my search for nice sounding cables for not to much money i found envy audio , now I have used tellurium q diamond RCAs    morrow , transparent audio, kimber,  signal cable, AudioQuest Colorado,  and some i can remember,  shunyata power cables,  and kimber , now i use tellurium q power cables and speaker cables . So i bought the envy audio prestige rca i find them to be great cables for the money. Just curious any replace their high end speaker , power cable,  rca with envy audio thanks

7,520 posts
04-29-2020 2:07pm
That's an awful lot of also-rans. When you are done flipping and ready for something satisfyingly good enough to keep you might want to consider whatever Synergistic is within your budget. They are for some reason considered expensive. Never have been able to figure that one out. They have time and again beat out much more expensive wire, and that has held true as I have moved up the audiophile food chain from budget to fairly high end. Been making them long enough there's plenty of old ones out there at very good prices. When you're ready.
I would not recommend "old ones" from Synergistic. I have owned a few and replaced them with other brands. I do like the newer Atmosphere line. Great for source components IMO. I have one Audio Envy power cord. Just got it a couple of weeks ago. So far it is nice and open sounding, somewhat like ribbon speaker cables.