Accurate: meaning an engineering measured number...
accurate: meaning a natural timbre, a feeling of the real instrument for the human ears...
Or these 2 meaning of accurate we conflate them and accurate means first and last a number on a measuring tool...
My nos dac cost me 25 dollars new on a bid and the idea to upgrade it seems ridiculous to me ....
After 2 years i cannot fathom his limit they were not audible to me....This dac improve with my speakers and amplifier embedding controls installation...
I dont doubt that there is better dac than mine, i will call them not more accurate but more musical if they are better, for example the Denafrips pontus in NOS mode is certainly better than my actual dac at his price........ Accuracy without musicality is without interest for me....
« I have 2 masters et they serve me well: my ears» -Groucho Marx
« They are not masters nor servants brother, they are your friends»-Harpo Marx