1st Post Intro & Ramblings

Hi all, I have been a member for about 10 years and never posted anything although I do read a lot. Figured at some point I would, 10+ years later......

 Profession, Audio Visual Tech 22 years. I mostly work in house corporate, conventions and trade shows. Spent some time building clubs, worked a few concerts and home audio has been more of a hobby for a very long time and I have designed and built a few very high end setups years ago. I always hated working professionally on home audio, the customers and sales people are either to cheap or knee deep in marketing and cannot take advice from professionals. My experience has led me to be more aware of the budget, a vast majority cannot spend $10-20k on a stereo and yet some of us spend that on a just 1 component. 
I think that will suffice as an introduction, next I will post some of what I have learned along the way. Keep in mind, most of my recommendations come with a budget mindset instead of $$$ all out performance $$$.
I agree whole heartedly with you on set up. I use the Jim Smith method too. I think MC is a troll who blabs just to blab.
I’m assuming you dialed in position? If you have, you can tinker quite a bit. Lifting the front of the speakers can lift your soundstage and depending on the speakers it can level the sound making it sound like a single plane. 
i haven’t tried the Jim Smith method yet, since I’ve been home for 6 months and it looks like I’ll be here for a while, maybe I’ll take the time to try something different ;-)
There is nothing "golden" about an equalateral triangle at least for sound. There is not a lot to justify it. So much is dependent on speaker dispersion, the room, etc. that using it as a starting point can have you hopelessly away from ideal that you will never get there. 

How many recordings are mixed with speakers in an equalateral setup?