Amplifier upgrade advice under $2000

Hi!  I have a new pair of speakers on order and want to upgrade my power amplifier to be ready when they arrive.  My current system is Klipsch Heresy III, Onkyo M504 amp, MiniDSP SHD preamp/streamer/room correction, and SVS SB12 sub.

Scheduled to arrive in December are Ohm Walsh 2000.  Research indicates these like a lot of power.  If the Ohms don’t work out I’ll shop for a used B&W 804, so still probably needs good power.

So, with a budget under $2000, wondering if I can get something that sounds significantly better than the Onkyo.  Used is fine.  Brands I have seen come up in the price range are Classe (ca-150), Vincent (331MK), Krell, PS Audio, Parasound, Bryston, etc.

I want to know if this would be a significant upgrade in this price range.  My sense is that brands like Rotel, Adcom, Emotiva, etc. would probably not change the sound all that much.  I also have a Crown ps-400, for example, that sounds pretty much identical to the Onkyo.

I recently tried out a Rogue Atlas Magnum tube amp.  It sounded great with the Heresys, a definite upgrade. Unfortunately  it created a loud speaker hum that I was unable to fix.  But it did make me crave the tube sound.  But it seems like finding a high powered tube amp to work with the Ohm Walsh is going to be challenging.

Sorry for the rambling, basically, is it worth spending $1-2K on a new amp or should I wait until I can get into a higher price range before ditching the Onkyo (which has those awesome green meters!).  Thanks!
I had a pair of monitors rated at 85db and my 90W integrated drove them just fine to levels that could get me kicked out of my place. 

That video is a great primer (saw it awhile back) on what to look out for and what to beware of but the way mc presented it is a bit misleading. In that video it's states that 2.83V can be as accurate as 1W if other considerations are accounted for but not many do it the proper way anymore.

All the best,
Get a Parasound Halo integrated (older model) used for under 2K.  It has 160wpc into 8 ohms and 240wpc into 4 ohms.  It is an excellent sounding integrated and probably light years ahead of your Onkyo.  Unless things have changed, Onkyo was never that good to begin with. 
Interestingly, the M504’s were rated for 4Ω in the EU market but not the North American one? Probably because they didn’t meet the US Standards for heat.

But as the Ohm Walsh 2000 are rated at 6Ω so you should be fine as is.

Now, if you wanted to try tubes, I’d suggest a pair of monoblocks.

I have both solid state and tube monoblocks. My speakers are Martin Logan Spires which can go down to 1Ω (and are known to be very demanding on amps).

My s/s amps are Soundcraftsmen PM860 that put out 900 W at 4Ω. I can entertain the neighbourhood with the volume at 3/10.

My tube amps are Golden Tube Audio SE-40 which I’ve upgraded all caps and resistors. They put out 75 W. While they lack the sheer punch of the PM860’s, they drive the ML’s quite nicely and are much more musical.

Or, find another Crown PS-400 and run them as monoblocks. That would give you 530 W at 8Ω.  

A Unison Research Unico Due would probably suit your tastes and needs well as it’s got a tube input stage backed by a good amount of solid state power.  One just sold here for $1600 so maybe keep your eyes out.  A used Hegel H300 or H160 would also likely yield some significant improvements, or maybe even a NuPrime IDA-16.  Anyway, just a few other ideas to consider.  Best of luck.