Who is still making CD transports?

I see that you are still able to buy pure CD players from Yamaha, Denon, etc. But what about transports in smaller quantities, I'm curious where and who is still making them?

I am primarily computer as source but at the rate that I buy CDs sometimes it's nice to just pop a CD in and listen to it the minute it comes in the mail. On another primarily audiophile music forum I'm on more people still listen to discs over digital rips/downloads so I think the demand is still there for CD transports.
Metronome and Kalista makes expensive but great transports. Way out of my price range but the Dreamplay cd with the Dreamplay Stream dac sounded great at a show. Uses a modified Philips mechanism.

Do yourself a favor and buy a proper streamer from Innuos, Lumin or PSAudio. They come with a disk drive to transfer your CDs to harddisk.

I was sent this link from Alexander of Schiit. They are under staffed at the moment he said with illness.
Schitt’s design team Dave and Ivana talk about a transport somewhere here on a live stream video a couple of weeks ago. https://fb.watch/1w1NgZQhxn/

To show interest, kick them along a little if your waiting for it, send them an email info@schiit.com to ask "how’s it going".
If you get get some info please post it up here, as I’m also waiting with bated breath for one to be released

Cheers George