Levinson No 39 fussy about cds

I have had a Levinson No 39 cd player for more than a decade.  It won't play many new CDs...a longstanding problem with some hybrid SACDs, but more recently with standard red book cds.  Never  had a problem with older cds.  Have reset drawer without success.  Any suggestions?  Harman is no help.  
Ag insider logo xs@2xdorrman8
Yes, I do have a ML390S which was upgraded from a ML39, so the transport was not changed, not part of the upgrade i.e. still the original ML39.
The unit I'd purched in 1996, and lo and behold it started to play up as YOU, OP described.
So what was wrong?
The LASER was on its way out, getting to 'weak' to read double layer SACD/CDs AND on its way out, also starting to touch and mark/scratch many of my CDs. BAD!

One additional thing I found out of late, after the successful laser replacement, that the small 'plastic spider centering hub' which was originally used on the motor spindle of the ML39 had gotten 'tired' too, and split in half.

Newer Philips transport versions seem to have replaced this rather fragile centering hub with either a solid plastic or Alu part.

So it is of interest to have this also addressed when a new laser unit is fitted.

Laser unit life seems to peter out after 15-20 years, so mine lasted short of 26 years... 

I hope this helps, and I do hope you'll find a reasonable repair arrangement!
Mine sounds as good as new after the laser replacement and now might outlive me?!? 🙄
M. 🇿🇦 
Thanks Justmetoo...

Since my post four years ago, I've cleaned the no 39 and lubricated the rails with a specially designed industrial lubricant.  To no avail.  The player continues to play reliably, except of course for the 3 or 4 cds that it won't play.  So I haven't gone and invested in a new laser, new hub or new player.  I will have to check out prices...however, I'm inclined to invest in a newer machine with upgraded decoding including MQA.  I use the no 39 as much for streaming these days as I do CD playback.  

Curious where you went for the new laser?  

I had that new laser installed here in SA, by a now freelance techie who was the Madrigal service technician at the local distributor in Johannesburg. 
They also did my 39 to 390S upgrade back in 2001 / 2.
Those where the days! ;-/

Surely not much help to you that is, sorry. :-(

BTW, just yesterday I experienced, now with this newish laser, the very same issue you described!! 
Showing 'ERROR 7' on the display!?! 

I enquired with the technician, his answer:
"The meaning of this message seems only to be known to the software designer (at the time)" !!! Ouch. 

I have a suspicion it means the CD's content info can not be read properly (or at all). 

This info resides very close to the CDs centre hole, so on this newish CD, without any marks or scratches (I checked), I only moved my finger along the centre hole area in a circular motion - and it was accepted again! 

Maybe some 'immaterial' specs of dust plus, my now suspicion, a slightly misaligned (closer to the inside) info track causing these problems? 
A type of 'watermark' as was also mentioned earlier in the thread, nothing that I could detect with the naked eye... (wearing my good glases! :) 
M. 🇿🇦 

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