Does speaker-level input to sub by pass its electronics?

I'd like to use a Velodyne HGS-15 with an Ayre A7e integrate amp that has no provision for a sub, but would that by pass the high-gain servo and other electronics of the sub?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
Al, I think you warned me about that once before but I forgot. Given I mostly listen to jazz and baroque in the living room, and the unaided LS50s do a nice job of the bass, I’ll satisfy my lust for pipe organ music and Mahler in the media room where the Reference 1s are supplemented by a pair of HGS-15s with SMS-1 acoustic room correction  -- I don't notice the subs until a pedal note or explosion draws my attention.

Again, thanks.
Um, uhh, Al is no longer with us. Though even residing in the beyond, he continues to help us mortals.
Al, you are missed.
Bob, I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't see the post was a quote and when I checked out the link I discovered the extensive coverage of using an A7e with high-level inputs.  Also I was sorry to learn that Al is no longer with us.  I have valued his advice in the past.
