From Pipedream to MBL 101e, any thought?

Hi everybody, I have just decided to buy a pair of MBL 101e, used of course. I'm looking for a more holographic image and sit anywhere sound stage. What I'm not so sure is the matching with my Mark Levinson NO. 33 I'm using with the Pipedreams. Actually I'm using 2 pairs of them to drive the Pipes so I can do the same with 101e for passive biamping.
I learned from a few post in Audiogon who successfully use amps other than MBL own with great success so I hope my 33s can do the job as well. Any comments would be appreciated.
Suchtan congrats! on your purchase. Marvelous speakers and you will hear what ever you put in front of them, it's been a journey for me.

I have learned allot along the way, pairing them up with different pces. I have owned a few different designs of speakers over the years and found some show off right from the get go and then you get tired of them but with the MBL's I find not so, they actually don't really show off at the beginning but just sound real and you will find they will pull you into the music more and more over time, then it's really hard to listen to anything else because they just don't sound right in comparision.

Are they the best, no but then again there is no best.

You will be the first person whom I'm aware of pairing up such amps with these speakers so it will be interesting, unfortuantely the only way you will be able to really compare is once you have had them in your set-up for a while and if you are intrigued enough would be to try other manufactures and compare.

It's really going to come down to personal taste still but associated gear, room, set-up, volumn you listen at etc. will also have an effect.

Enjoy it will be fun.

I have lost count on how many different combos I have personally tried, I have ended up with something I feel is very special and personally never heard before, not even close and has got me off the merry-go-round.

My system curently consist of;

MBL 101E
Vac Statement 450 mono blocks
Vac Sig. MK2a pre w/phono
TW Acustic Black Knight table
Reed 12" arm with MSL Ulra BC cart
TW 10.5 arm with A90 cart
Stealth cables through out, double runs for the speakers.

I will say one thing;

You wanted holographic imaging - you will get holographic imaging from the 101s. For your stated goal, I think you have made (IME, anyway) the best possible purchase.

My only advice is that bigger (as in the size of your listening room) tends to better with the big MBLs.

BTW, I'd be very surprised if you have any problems powering 101s with your ML amps.

Congrats on the purchase and enjoy!

This is the dream question...sort of who'd you rather date, Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock, or even Jen Anniston?

The Pipedreams are marvelous speakers...really, IMHO, one of the best, even with the so called 'comb-filter' issues that they supposedly have. Very dynamic, life size (if a bit overbig, NEVER A PROB for me).
The MBL's set up correctly, offer that last dimension that even the Pipedreams don't...360 degree dispersion.

The MBL's are terrific speakers and the Levinson will do fine with them. The question is, is that amp as good as the MBL?
While I haven't done an A/B/A comparison, I'd have to say no. But, as good as, is not as important as, will it work for this purpose? Yes.

The final step then, would be, to move to the MBL eventually--unless of course, you're different than almost all audiophiles (including me) and you're actually 'satisfied', lol.

Great choices, great post, and great reading.

Good listening,
