Seriously? Why Buy ARC Ref 6SE? seems Benchmark LA4 is a better choice.

And costs only a few grand vs soooo much more for a ref 6se preamp.  Benchmark LA4 Does HT bypass very easily.  
I am at a profound loss.  what the heck is going on inside the Ref 6se box.  What the heck does it all do? 
6se is very pretty but Benchmark LA4 also looks nice. And the McIntosh c1100 preamp is also very pretty.  Frankly, what justifies buying a preamp at such a high price?? It is supposed to be a neutral pass thru of a signal.
My streamer/DAC (a Matrix Element X) has volume control and input selection. I don't use a dedicated preamp between it and my power amp (a Benchmark AHB2).  So I'm reading this thread from that perspective.  If a good preamp is a "neutral pass thru", why bother to add one at all?

Another of the endless discussions that combines 2 eternal and un resolvable issues
First issue-perceived value.  As in why do two pieces of gear that perform the same function vary so widely in price?
Second issue-do preamps do anything? And is it worth paying for what they may do?

My cut to the chase answer—there is enough perception amongst a critical mass of listeners to sustain an industry that caters to offering these differences to suit various tastes amongst consumers.  There are also enough  consumers that perceive these differences, and are interested enough in them, to sustain multiple internet sites to discuss these differences.
  Some people claim that they cannot hear the difference that a preamp makes, or that they cannot tell the difference between 2 pieces of gear.  If that is the case, those people are to be pitied, because they are not able to have the enjoyment that the rest of us do in relishing these differences.  Those individuals are better served getting product reviews from a source such as Consumer Reports.  When they constantly hector others by in effect saying, since I cannot perceive a difference, no such difference exists and the rest of you are deluded,
then they are irritating.
  As others have said, no amount of words can change this, because one has to be able to hear the difference.  And no wiser advice than “so don’t buy it” can be offered to the non-believer
@kren0006 I was going to get the Yamaha NS5000 but then I saw a local ad for a speaker that I liked better, the Thiel CS3.7. It also has less bass so it works better in my room.

I am still looking at the NS5000 or KEF Blade2 for my larger room downstairs. Though I do so much listening in the home office room that I am wondering about setting up a another system.
@clearthinker Some people need a preamp because they (like me) think the volume control on a DACs is not as good direct to amp. Yes, I have done that for years. There are also people with sources that do not have a volume control, how do you play them?