How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?

But in the end the "clean money" would be worth the same as the dirty money.

So is it as good as SACD - vinyl? If so, this should be revolutionary, but so far it's really not. Is it just that people don't know, or is it overhyped?
>>is it overhyped?<<
Please read posts from other threads by the initiator of this one regarding other products and it will be quite evident. Have fun.
I guess I'll try one more time to get some clarification from a poster. Robm321: what do you mean by "overhyped"? That it doesn't meet your expectations (have you heard the results from an R Check copy? If not, I also don't understand " far it's really not"), everyone's expectations, the majority's? I expect a relatively small number have this duplicator at this point (by the way, I don't have one). I'm personally not going to make a decision about getting one until I have more input. And, if I DO get one (or have an opportunity to compare several originals and CD-Rs by others on my system), THEN I will offer my opinion about its merits. I'm realizing the main theme of my questions and posts recently has to do with opinions offered without any experience. I simply do not understand it. As for the fact that someone INITIATES a very positive comment about a product, therefore then making that product "overhyped": I don't think we'd get very far in learning about good new products if no one started such threads. Tbg obviously listens to a LOT of new products before others do, so it makes sense to me (and it seems like a gift) that he would initiate a post when he excited about something.
For you doubters, why don't you simply order a unit from George, and listen with your own ears? I'm sure George would happily refund your money if after actually LISTENING to the unit, you still have the same pessamistic point-of-view.