How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
Ah, I see now. Guess I'll keep my TT and SACD player ;)

No disrespect to the inventor of this product. I think he should be commended for coming up with a way to better redbook.
Clio09, once upon a time there was the LP record.

The Tice Clock was a worthless copy of the EAU-1 out of Iowa.
>>he would initiate a post when he excited about something<<

Getting excited and calling something one of the most significant advancements in 40 years (or whatever the precise wording happens to be) is simply disingenouos. A clear thinking, rationale poster would set aside the "excitement" and be much more judicious in the choice of words. Unfortunately, this is not the first instance. For that very reason a clear thinking and rational reader will take his posts with trepidation and uncertainty.

While opinion on the sonic quality of an LP record can be debated with each side having valid points, the LP record is still today a viable medium for music reproduction. Yes at one time it was a revolutionary concept, but over the years it has more than justified it's original hype IMO. My vinyl and analog set-up leaving my system anytime soon.

Now your second point is very valid (don't forget to throw Radio Shack into the mix). What makes this a bit more interesting is if you do same brand name swapping. Then I think you might really be on to something about the Reality Checker.
Clio09, I am not in any way dismissing LPs. Like you, my vinyl is staying and is still superior to any digital I have heard. My point was that there are occasional innovation that are a bust and others that prove worthy.

I tried the RS clock that looked identical to the EAU-1. It did not do anything that the EAU did, but I certainly would concede that the EAU's benefit was small. I still have both in my home.

I don't know what you mean by "brand name swapping."
I am open to other technologies, such as transferring to hard drives, but the jury is still out on them for me. Obviously, in my opinion the jury is in on the RealityCheck. My critics seem to think that I want everyone to follow my lead and buy what I like. Really, I don't care if anyone does, but I despise the notion that only through hype can innovative devises be sold.