Your points are well taken. It does take more than hype to sell a product. Some have done quite well on the hype cycle while they were the darlings of the reviewers and consumers, only to quietly, or in a few cases, not so quietly disappear into the night.
True quality products will withstand the test or time IMO. Just out of curiosity I'll be tracking the Reality Checker and its technology as I'd like to see where it is a year from now, let alone 5 years from now.
Your points are well taken. It does take more than hype to sell a product. Some have done quite well on the hype cycle while they were the darlings of the reviewers and consumers, only to quietly, or in a few cases, not so quietly disappear into the night.
True quality products will withstand the test or time IMO. Just out of curiosity I'll be tracking the Reality Checker and its technology as I'd like to see where it is a year from now, let alone 5 years from now.