4 ohm or 8 ohm tap

I have a pair of AZ Adagios, they are 6 ohm speakers. Should I use the 4 or 8 ohm taps on my tube monoblocks?
try both, it will not harm anything and is fun to do as each will have it's own sound signature.

a million threads in the archives on this subject...
Should I use the 4 or 8 ohm taps on my tube monoblocks?
Podolaw (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Absolutely you should.
The answer to that is that your speaker is not 6 ohms. No speaker is 4, 5, 6, 8, or 10 ohms. That number is the AVERAGE impedance of the speaker using a non-standardized test. Listen to the speaker both ways and enjoy the best way. You cannot damage anything.