smaller speakers for critical listening?

I'm curious whether folks out here think that standmount speakers can reward "critical listening." 

I know that may be a ridiculous question; of course one can sit down with Radio Shack speakers and engage in serious listening, and of course the experience is subjective for all of us. I'm actually asking for subjective responses here. If your goal is a system for critical listening, do you think smaller speakers can do the trick or do you need the bigger soundstage and depth that can come with floor-standing, planar, or electrostatic speakers? 

I'm not asking which is *better* in a given speaker line, the small ones or the big ones, and I'm not thinking about $50k Wilson-Benesch Endeavours or the like. Before the pandemic I auditioned some highly enjoyable standmount speakers in the $5k-$10k range. However, listening for an hour in a store, I couldn't tell whether they crossed the threshold from "terrific sound for a small speaker" to pull-up-a-chair-and-tune-out-the-world bliss.

As you can probably tell, I'm struggling with my room; it's very hard to place big speakers in it. Otherwise I'd buy Maggies or Vandersteens or JA Perspectives, etc, and be happy. And, to repeat, I know that the threshold for critical-listening speakers is subjective. I'm asking for opinions and experiences!
Having owned many smallish speakers over my lifetime,  I would/do not turn to them for premium performance,  for what should be obvious reasons. 
To think you need large speakers for critical listening is living in the past. DSP and new waveguides and other improvements in active speakers make them some of the best for critical listening as long as you’re not trying to fill a huge room with them. In my opinion speakers like Dutch and Dutch, Kii, Grimm, GGNTKT are the future . They give simple one box solutions and don’t over power rooms which I think younger people are looking for not to mention their performance is astounding.
Try to find a used Westlake BBSM-4. Got plenty of "small" speakers for desktop listening, but these will never be put in the wardrobe. Using them with two smallish REL subs for big sound.