Cartridge recommendations under $2500

Since auditioning cartridges is so difficult I’m looking for advise on MC cartridges that should pair well with my equipment. I’m looking for transparency with a bit of warmth and I’m ok buying a low hour used cartridge from a reputable source. My equipment includes:

Linn LP12 with Mose Hercules, Cirkus and Ittok (Effective Mass 11.5g)
ARC PH7 Phono Amp
ARC LS25 MKii Pre Amp
ARC VT200 Power Amp
Raido C1.1 Speakers
Shunyata Alpha Helix Power Cables
Morrow SP7 Speaker Cables
Morrow MA7 Interconnects
Morrow PH7 Phono Cable

Some cartridges I’ve been researching include:
Ortofon Cadenza Black
Ortofon Cadenza Bronze
Lyra Kleos
Koetsu Rosewood
Koetsu Black Goldline
Hana ML

I want to keep the cost under $2,500 and I’m not in a position to upgrade the turntable / tonearm at this time. Oh...and my current cartridge is a Linn Asaka for what it’s worth.

Thanks in advance for your collective advise. I hope this is enough to get the ball rolling.
Ag insider logo xs@2xbstakston

the OP considering Koetsu Rosewood, not that entry level Black which is the worst Koetsu. He has mentioned Rosewood and this is another level. 

Comparing Hana to Koetsu Rosewood is very strange in my opinion.

You're right about the prices, Hana is relatively cheap MC, but Koetsu always was the most expensive premium cartridge.

If a person can buy premium Koetsu then why even look at the Hana (aka Excel Sound) ?    

I went with the Herron.  Here’s what I wrote in a previous thread:
”My impression of the improvement to the PH-7 was in extension, tightness/amplitude of bass, timing, lack of glare and most definitely dynamics.  Where the PH-7 bettered it was noise floor.”

I have the Koetsu Black Goldline, extremely happy with it on my Origin Live Conqueror arm. I never pay one second of attention to compliance, mass, or any of the other BS that so obsesses some of these guys so maybe they can tell you the only reason I lucked out is my arm weighs a ton. But I don't think so. More likely I think they are repeating something they heard, or assume that one time turned out bad that must be it therefore blah blah blah. Bottom line be careful when people tell you one thing won't work with another. They may be right. Or not. 

Also Koetsu is nowhere near as warm or smooth the way some would have you think. Its actually fairly close to what I would call neutral, if people hadn't misused that term so much. The sound is very close in character to the Benz Ruby I had before, another extremely satisfying cartridge. The Koetsu just gets more magic out of the grooves. 

My system has improved tremendously in the 2 years I've had the Black. The cartridge continues to amaze with its very natural detail, dynamics, presence and imaging. There's just more there there, as MF would say.

When I was about to order mine I called and talked to a dealer who sells a lot of Koetsu. I was reluctant to buy the entry level and was leaning Rosewood, even though that would have been a stretch. He said the Black is so close, yes the Rosewood is better but the Black is very very close. 

The most important thing to me is the sound. The only spec I pay attention to is output. The Black has a nice medium output making it much less likely you have problems with noise, finding a good phono stage for it, etc. Just makes life easier.

Not knocking any other cartridge. Probably you could not go wrong with any of them. Just so much the better if you can match their sound with your preference. Hope this helps.

Koetsu Black is entry level Koetsu cartridge, all information about this model available online, there are many people explain why it's an entry level of Koetsu.