How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
Herman wrote:
"why, given the low cost of memory and computing power, doesn't every player above the entry level read and re-clock the data to the dac thereby eliminating this variable from the equation?"

This is understandable. To make a system like this behave just like a normal CD player is a HUGE undertaking. There is a lot of software development because of things like: what happens when you decide to skip ahead on the current playing track or skip back to the last track? This is simple for a regular CD player, but if the data is cached in memory, there may be a large latency to flush the memory cache and refill it with new data and then begin playing it. The system must actually "look-ahead" and predict what the user will likely do with the remote buttons, otherwise, there is a big latency penalty. There is also the issue of DVD-A and SACD. The computer model wil not work for these, so the player must revert back to a standard-type player. It's really a can of worms to make is behave like a standard universal player.
TBG - I have no idea what has been done to the RC burner. I may not be much better than some standard CD-R or DVD-R burners. The one that I am modding should be substantially better than anything that can be purchased because it wil have Superclock3, digital and power mods and battery power.
I think some of the opinion I am reading here, Mapleshade
has been doing them long time ago,like treating their
cd with their own solutions,before recording, It works.
What I do just simply spin the original cd and the blank
CDR on my bedini ultraclarifier, after treating them with
either fynil or the mapleshape solutions,and it is even
better if you use the MF CDR.This is very simple with
good result and not expensive.
Jayctoy, I find the RealityCheck results far greater than these alternatives. I had been using them on originals for years, and although the improvements proved substantial, they were never of the level achieved here. Also more recently I have tried using the RealityCheck black blanks in my computer to redo originals including all of the cleaning prior to burning. Again the results fell far short of what I got with the RC. I even tried burning another RC blank using the copy I had made on the computer using the RC blank and copying it using the RC reproducer. I then compared it with a prior direct copy from the original using the RC. I heard no difference between the two copies.

I have found benefit to using the Furatek demagnifier on the cdrs, but no benefit using the AudioDeck trimmer. Even the post by Slothman above citing work by Genesis Tech. shows the importance of the blank used, how it is cleaned, what is used to copy it, and the burner software. All that I really know is that I very much enjoy the further benefits I derive from the RealityCheck that I have not otherwise been able to achieve. Maybe as Audioengr suggests a better burner would outperform the RC. That maybe true, but the jury is still out at least as far as I am concerned.
Norm, can you send me one copy of the RC,I would
like to hear it for myself.Your post tells me, the
RC copy is worth listening, I will pay you, for the
shipping and cd.If indeed the copy are much better,
I will buy the unit.Thanks