Jayctoy, I find the RealityCheck results far greater than these alternatives. I had been using them on originals for years, and although the improvements proved substantial, they were never of the level achieved here. Also more recently I have tried using the RealityCheck black blanks in my computer to redo originals including all of the cleaning prior to burning. Again the results fell far short of what I got with the RC. I even tried burning another RC blank using the copy I had made on the computer using the RC blank and copying it using the RC reproducer. I then compared it with a prior direct copy from the original using the RC. I heard no difference between the two copies.
I have found benefit to using the Furatek demagnifier on the cdrs, but no benefit using the AudioDeck trimmer. Even the post by Slothman above citing work by Genesis Tech. shows the importance of the blank used, how it is cleaned, what is used to copy it, and the burner software. All that I really know is that I very much enjoy the further benefits I derive from the RealityCheck that I have not otherwise been able to achieve. Maybe as Audioengr suggests a better burner would outperform the RC. That maybe true, but the jury is still out at least as far as I am concerned.