The secret to a great amplifier...

Is a $150 Orange fuse from Synergistic Research. Seriously, extreme boost in sonic performance. Blacker background, larger soundstage... if I wanted to make some bucks, I’d put these is cheap OEM compnents and start letting the accolades and purchasers come calling.

Mind you, I have a high value-oriented $20k system, so it was nice before, but damn!
I don't know everything about electronics, or what sounds good to each individual, but...

Isn't a fuse supposed to protect more expensive parts of a circuit? So, has anyone actually tested this orange wonder to see if it blows at the correct current flow? Just wonderin'
Are you suggesting they are selling fuses that don't perform this basic function? 
The secret to a great the fuse. When you bought the amp was it mediocre? I can see   Bruno Putzeys and Lars Risbo  brainstorming  when they were designing the purifi amp and they came to a point when they realized their amp.. well just wasn't very good, mediocre at best,  Bruno had a light bulb moment and said "I know what would make this amp great! An Orange fuse! ", Lars slapped him on the back and said damn Bruno you saved our azz on this one. 
I don’t know about this orange fuse but it seems like the commie fuse like to suppress the highs and the lows and make everything more average.  That easier to control and much better fit this type of power supply that runs on corrupt energy, looking to consolidate resources.  These fuses work really well in the sander amp- is a real bum and this amp never work a day in it’s life but just stir up negative energy and try to redistribute it to the speaker. I guess I just don’t understand these fuses.