Musical fidelity M6SI problem.

Has anyone had crackling sound problems with their M6SI integrated amp?
So it looks like it is a problem with the power supply.  Interesting though thag ghe guys thread that the op read, the guy having the crackling issues, had the caps replaced not the power supply.

In my personal experience, musical fidelity has horrible customer service here in the states.

I almost bought a M6i, not the si, and didn’t read any problems about that model...
Yes. I read 1 post by someone claiming to have this problem, so I don't give it much credibility, but they claimed that this was a common problem. I just wanted to know if anyone had heard of this. Maybe they have something against MF. I don't know.
Thank you for your response. What you mentioned about the caps replaced is what I read. The power supply issue too.