A move from Harbeth to... Wilson?

Hi gang, hoping for some thoughts. 

I'm very happy at the moment with my system, but getting a slight itch for an upgrade. So many options and directions I could go, but the one I'm pondering at the moment is moving from my Harbeth C7ES-3 speakers to Wilson Sabrinas. (The Sabrina X is now out, which may bring the Sabrina down to my budget... maybe.)

My room is approx. 10'6" x 15'6" with the speakers along the short wall and my listening chair is about 2/3 back from said wall. The C7s plus their stands are just about the right size for this room, and the Sabrinas on their floor spikes are similar in "overall" size, though obviously the speakers themselves are bigger.

Current amp is a Pass Labs XA30.5 which doubles down at 4Ohms (plus lots of headroom) and comes just within Wilson's "recommended" amplifier power. The room is on the smaller side, and I don't listen loud; I've never "wanted" for more power with the C7s. (Though every once in a while I wonder what a pair of XA60.5s would sound like in here, but that's an entirely different thread.)

Eh? Any thoughts?
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your Harbeth’s have that Rogers, Spendor, Stirling Broadcast (Proac ATC?) BBC monitor lineage and dna.
dare I say an apples and oranges comparison discussion in regards to Wilson?
I would move up to the big box Harbeth 40 as others have suggested and maybe treat yourself to an additional upgrade elsewhere in your system.
you will be after all... saving several thousand delore’s on that automotive paint finish🤗
Haven't heard the Sabrinas, but I'm a bit cautious as they are the latest generation of what started as the Watt/Puppies none of which ever captivated me. Problem is that anything above that in the Wilson line escalated price very significantly. Best to do some auditioning yourself ad think about it.

(FWIW I have loved several models of larger Wilsons and have a pair of Maxx 2 in one of my systems - the Alexx are the modern speaker in that niche today).
I think the Vienna Acoustics with their soft dome tweeter would sound less harsh.  I noticed they had a lot of bass and sounded best when listening to classical.  I did think they sounded great and I think you would get less fatigued listening to them.  I think the Wilson's sounded a bit harsh in the highs.  However, I needed to listen to them for a couple hours to determine what I was hearing.  I thought the Motion 60 Martin Logins sounded great, but when I went back and listened to them for a couple hours the ribbon tweeters seemed a bit harsh.
@yogiboy stated that Harbeths sounded "boxy".
Can you define what boxy means?
My imagination tells me that it would sound like the music was coming from inside of a box, but this does nothing to describe the sound. If the box were a closed box the sound would sound muffled. Am I right?
If the box were open but the source was deep from inside the box the sound would be cavernous, or hollow. Or perhaps, like music coming through a megaphone or horn, which would be harsh or brittle. At least this is what I imagine.
I have had several models of Harbeth speakers over the past 14 years and have never heard them sound boxy in any variation of the term that I can imagine. Thanks for elaborating on this. I am eager to learn.