How do you feel about a wheeled dolly permanently under large floorstanding speakers?

I'm building a new room that will be home to the system I'm putting together. I looking at several floor standing speakers that aren't huge by audiophile standards, but too heavy to just grab and move easily, 60-80 lbs each. The room will be multi-use, so one option I'm considering is to move the speakers when required. They would stay in the best position for my solo listening chair, but when we have a group over and are using the game table or pool table, move them toward the wall and turn them for good sound to the overall room. It would also help me a great deal with the WAF for the room. I've been considering the wisdom of putting them on a solid MDF platform, the size of the speaker footprint, with 3 or 4 castors mounted beneath. Probably make a wood skirt to hide the wheels. Then I could roll them off the rug onto the vinyl floor and over to the wall or wherever makes the most sense. I will keep the movement relatively small so I can keep speaker cables only as long as necessary to reach the primary listening position. Do any of you have direct experience with a similar setup and its impact on sound quality?

@douglas_schroeder, can you recommend, with a link preferably, the type of casters you are referring to?  I have thicker carpet over concrete slab and currently use spikes, but I would love to have an easy way to move my 60 pound speaker towers.  The casters would need to be wide enough to not dig into the carpeting, making them more difficult to move.  If the casters would screw into the same threaded openings on the bottom of the speakers, that would be ideal.
Agree with much of what has been said.

--You can easily and discretely mark the preferred listening spot on the vinyl floor
--Would pick the heaviest/highest quality casters you can find.  I have seen some that have a rubber contact surface that will not mare your floor and be smooth rolling.  Locking casters would be best in my mind.
--I would not be thrilled with drilling my speakers.  Would make an mdf or plywood base 1 1/2" thick with a nice wood skirt.  I think it would look good and perform well for you
bob540, I did not seek a specialty audio product, just as I did not seek a high end rack for my gear. I have made choices where to allocate the funds, and I prefer to allocate them in the actual power and audio chain. Note, however, that I am doing digital source only, and would likely have a different perspective if I did analogue. 

I say this to give you some perspective on my advice. I use rubber hockey pucks under speakers occasionally for the same reason; cheap, effective, and allows quick changes which I do continuously. Were the speakers anchored to one spot always, I would probably use spikes. But, it's not practical for moving about. 

I would look for spikes used for large furniture, such as big cabinets. Maybe check with a furniture store, or an office store. It's pretty easy to get larger, black ones with wider/double wheels. Mine have the twin wheels per caster with a gap between (like dual wheels on a pickup truck), and they are more than 1" wide so as to roll on the carpet easier. I think I got the casters I put on the Vapor Audio Joule White speakers at Home Depot. Tried to get better quality ones among the selections. They came with longer threaded posts than I was searching for; no problem, I added washers to close the gap, and frankly, the speakers are better sounding with the extra inch or so of elevation as it lifted the soundstage very nicely. 

For the large, 175 pound amps I put on modified furniture dollies, they had solid hard rubber casters built in perhaps close to 1" thick. I can push the amps around pretty easily, even though the flooring is thick pad with thick berber carpeting. So, 60 pounds should be quite easy with wide casters, no issues. Except, watch out if the speakers are taller and thinner! You don't want them tipping when moving. Sitting still, no problem, but have a good handle on them while moving, because if they are narrow, they will tilt most likely as you move them on carpeting! 

Take a spike along, and match up the thread. Take your pick on size of caster, and how long the threaded post to insert. There are only so many sizes of posts with specific wheels, so you have to be somewhat flexible. It's not hard. 
The lower the mass of the speaker the greater the need for stiff and stable mounting.

Thus the mobility vs stability thing, has to be qualified.

Speaker mass vs stability is at the core of the ’quality audio’ equation.

Proac super tablettes on 24-28" stands...all on 20-50 pound wheeled dollies.. is probably not a good idea, as is 900lb speakers with spikes, where test positioning is largely an impossibility..

There’s some contention in the middle, sure. Self choice might be a good thing to call it.
I have wondered for years why no company has engineered this solution yet. You design an adjustable platform that has wheels that activate with a foot push fulcrum. You wheel into place then deactivate the wheels up and out of the way to then have the spikes support the speaker. You could also incorporate isolation materials into the base.
Really think about this there are people paying 10’s of thousands of $ for a speaker cable. I think there would be a huge market for this. Do you want to wrestle and duck walk a $100.000 Speaker around your room?