How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
In the interest of getting this resolved, I am willing to contribute $10 toward the purchase of a "community" duplicator. We would then need only about 20 more people to purchase one from George Louis, a few more people to buy the $229 unit from Ioshop. Alternatively, we could purchase a Plextor duplicator (see the site Tvad provided) for $445. Clearly we would need more people (and/or bigger contributions) to do that. In any case, we could take nominations as to who would get the unit first, and those who contributed could vote. The person chosen would have to agree to scientifically (i.e. control other variables) compare a CD-R made on this "generic" unit with one made on a Reality Check unit. We could even pass these CDs around, so that everyone could hear the diffence. Or even have several pairs made for comparison purposes. Just some thoughts on a slow day at work.
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Onhwy61, perhaps a little hyperbole in my statement, but yes it elevates redbook to a level where I no longer listen to sacds, because of their lack of drive or pace, and can listen for a long time to digital without missing my vinyl. I do not like the new RealDisc, however, it is easier to use but robs the copies of their lead edge and realism.

Jfz, I will contribute Reality Check copies but obviously am not going to buy another duplicator.

I've been down this road with Norm many times. He spins and misrepresents other's posts all the time and when challenged he never offers any back-up.

I recently went through a similar fiasco with Norm over at AA and I kept begging him to RE-READ my words and his OWN words. The proof was there for everyone to read and Norm just kept on misrepresenting and distorting the facts when the truth was right there on the page in front of him. He just refuses to EVER substantiate his distortions of the truth.

The RealityCheck may indeed be all that it is cracked up to be and George may indeed do some proprietary work to an otherwise off-the-shelf unit, but I can tell you now your efforts to discuss anything about the RealityCheck with Norm is an exercise in futility. He will continue to "put words in your mouth" for as long as you post here.
I am surprised this product ever got any traction at all, but audiophiles are an eccentric bunch.

I have seen worse purchases in this hobby (How about a $500 wooden knob). Maybe the fluids do something unique. At least his product will burn CD's for you.
If you think it creates a better copy-then it is worth it for you.

As always- it is your money. You can spend it as you wish.