Speakers for Bryston

Suggestions for speakers that mate well with Bryston electronics?

Running Bryston BCD-1 CDP, BDA-1 DAC, BP25 pre, and 4BSST amp.

I tend to listen to jazz, classical, vocal and instrumental music.. and, of course, a smattering of everything else! I don't usually listen at loud volumes.

Thanks in advance!

Lengthy auditions at 3 different dealers and 3 very different speaker types, KEF, Sonus Faber, and Krix. This was ST and early SST days. Out of date opinion, because since then there has been SST2.

To me the sound was consistant as I described, across all systems and my test disc compilation, whether audiophile recordings or regular music.

I do not want to detract from the speaker selection emphasis on this thread, but perhaps you may want to audition the new SST2 range as well as check new speakers.
If you are considering the Magnepan then you should consider the Philharmonic speakers. They are a ribbon speaker that will crush any Magnepan alive. They are built to support the Washington Philharmonic Orchestra so are only $2800!!!



I saw in another thread that you have used Totems for a while. Have you heard the Mani-2? One of the absolute best speakers I've heard, regardless of price. They need a ton of power to get them moving, but your 4B should easily provide that so long as you keep in below ear damaging levels and your room isn't an auditorium.

I really like ATCs as well, as someone else mentioned. My one and only criticism of them is they need to play at s bit higher SPL to open up and show their magic IMO. If you've got a larger room this may not be an issue. If it's average or smaller, it could be a make or break thing. I would have bought a pair had I not heard this during a few demos.
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Check out Vandersteens, they are great speakers and Brystons will drive them well.