I believe it’s MC’s theory that there is no system regardless of how poor and unresolving, not to materially benefit from better isolation/vibration control and better cabling. I disagree. While these elements are important they truly only move the needle when the speakers, amplification and source components are of high quality. Putting high octane fuel in a Yugo isn’t really going to make a differenceFor cabling you are relatively right or near the truth.... Most cables dont make a difference that is on par with the mechanical, electrical or acoustical embeddings controls in most low or medium Hi-Fi system....The only exception will be changing cables perhaps on an already well embedded very costly and sensitive audio system....
Cables are different, dont distort my words, but mechanical embedding fo example work powefully on all S.Q. aspects at least on par with changing cables; and if we add the 2 other embeddings controls there is no more comparison.... For example acoustical active controls and passive treatment litteraly can transform your audio system and put it on another level..... I know my low cost 500 hundred audio vintage system is very hard to upgrade for me.... It will cost me over 10,000 dollars to do so with an upgraded but rightfully embedded new audio system....
For vibrations isolation and controls, and for resonance controls( yes they are 2 different things) ANY system at ANY price will benefit greatly ... Saying otherwise has only one explanation, you never experiment or you never listen to the results.....
My best to you....