R2R Ladder DACs or All in One Streamer Solutions

I am soon to own a Pass INT 25 integrated amp. I also own an Oppo 205. 

I am now searching for a separate DAC to replace/improve the DAC in the Oppo.
Budget $2k. Used preferred.

I like the R2R ladder sound and want a tube inside for a little balance with the Solid State gear.
My current source is the Oppo 205.

I am also shopping for a Streamer/Ripper/Storage device. Roon friendly and DSD capable.
Budget also $2k. Used Preferred.

It seems that the few offerings of these all in one solutions all contain a DAC.
My thought is that the DAC included will not be any better than the Oppo so it is of little use.

Has anyone been down this road lately? 

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!
 ...I point out that it was not too long ago that DACs based on the 1541 were not considered good, but suddenly they are again.

Have you noticed that implementations of the 1541 have changed in the intervening time? My first CD player used LM833 as I/V and filter stage. Seen any recent designs going that route?

If you must know one of the no name Chinese was a nude TDA1541 complete made board from ebay for around $100 all it needed is a power supply added, the owner mounted it all on a block of wood!
Get off your racist pulpit sunshine, of course the Chinese are extremely capable, just like anyone, just look at a few these days Holo Denafrips, etc etc
T'aint racist to critique Taobao DAC offerings - I've bought plenty and implementations in general are poor. You did specifically say 'no name' and now you've introduced names. I would agree that the named guys do a much better job than the el-cheapo Taobao DACs designed by spare-timers. Early on there was one called 'raindrop_hui' but that was the name of his reseller - he was relatively clueless as regards EE but that didn't stop him selling tons of TDA1541 DACs.
Even "cheap" no name Chinese DACs.  There was never anything remotely racist in what I said. Stop dog whistling to hide you lie. By using the comment "cheap no name Chinese DAC" you are showing yourself to be the real racist. I will go out on a limb and say I have far far more experience dealing with Chinese companies that you ever will. 你说的任何语言都不诚实