Wish I had put more emphasis on cables earlier

I've just realized how cables are very important to allow your other equipment to sound it's best. Wish I had put more investment in IC and speaker cables from the onset. They provide the most change/improvement per dollar imo. 
I second the suggestion to try Audio Envy.  I have had a good experience switching over to their cables from Cardas.  I don’t have much to compare their power cables to,  but their cords are more flexible than the other two brands I had.  In my installation I needed that flexibility, so hearing nothing untoward coming from their PC’s, I switched over all of mine. 
isochronism, perhaps you should carry that PC with you in a sachel. You never know when you’ll need it! ;) Me? I'm ready to die; no problem.  :) 
isochronism, perhaps you should carry that PC with you in a sachel. You never know when you’ll need it! ;)
Exactly, the heart monitoring equipment will have a much fuller, richer, and natural tone when you flatline with the aftermarket PC attached.

Double blind tests will verify this.

Welcome! to the Club. Now, the fun really begins. Have fun!

Happy Listening!
They do, and so does clean electrical power (through fuse, MCB, grounding, etc.). All cables will react differently to different system, and cable matching are important (provided the system is sensitive enough to reveal the difference).