How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
Tvad, I know, and I think I am crazy, but the Nespa, the RealityCheck, and now the UltraBit Gold have been substantial improvements. I am afraid, however, that comparing the UltraBit with the Nano 8500 is a bridge too far for me.
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I don't recall if Quint posts on Audiogon, but I hope he will arrise to the challenge.
Tbg, I can't believe you don't want to experiment with the #8500 CD fluid treatment. It's only $75 shipped and with all the funds you have tied up in your system this is a no brainer. I've now bought 5 bottles of the #8500 fluid, yes it is that good, nothing has even come close.
Leec, are you saying that it is superior to UltraBit Gold? My concern is that like the Cool Copy which others touted but I found inferior to the RealityCheck, that I would also not like #8500. I now have piles of digital cleaners and have no idea why some are superior as there is no knowledge as to what chemicals are best.