Kef reference 3

Any thoughts? Thinking of moving up from Vivid Oval 1.5. Like their sound but want a little bigger sound. The new Vivid speakers are too rich for me, and I can get a good buy on the reference 3. Soundstage did think they were close to the Vivid B1 Decade which is $28,000.
That would put them out of my price range. I am looking at demos of the current speakers. 
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In that case I think your choice of the KEF is great. It sounds similar to the Vivids to me. I have heard both a lot. 

I was looking at USAuidomart yesterday for some KEF's because of some anxiety I had with my 'new' speakers (resolved today). There were a lot of KEF Blades going for $12K,which is still a lot more than a demo Ref 3. However, the Blade is a big jump from the Ref 3.
However, the Blade is a big jump from the Ref 3.
In price yes. In any other way no.
I have the Ref 1, which have taken the place of my Harbeth Super HL5 Plus in my main system.  They sound pretty big on their own.  I have 4 subs in my system and one day turned them off and forgot to turn them back on.  I noticed something was different in my system, but it took me a bit to put my finger on it, they do that well on their own.  I haven't heard the Ref 3 but would expect them to play even bigger.