Hattor Ultimate Power Amplifiers

I am wondering if anyone has tried Hattor Ultimate Power Amplifiers? I am currently driving Martin Logan ESL X speakers with a pair of Nuprime STA 9s as mono blocks. I am happy mostly with the soundstage and detail I am getting,  but I am experiencing a little harshness at very high volume and I am wondering if next level class d will afford more musicality and punch. Anyone with experience going up the food chain in class D amplifiers have any insight on this? Thanks,  Tom

Rega RP8 with Apheta 2 cart
Rega Aria V2
Khozmo (mostly) passive preamp
STA 9 monoblocks 
ML ESL X speakers 
Class D is not an optimum match for electrostatics.
middlemass and  mijostyn are correct tomflynn OP , Class-D really dislike driving 1 ohm loadings in the highs, and that is what the Martin Logan ESL’s present, and a heavy negative phase angle –68.81º at 5.9 kHz together with 4ohms loading.

Cheers George
Underwood HiFi has a few Ampzilla amps/pres at great prices

Ampzilla 2000 Mk II for $5995 the pair

Select Specials and scroll down

Thanks tweak1. That is a nice deal on those monoblocks but it's still above my current budget. Luckily,  the Son of Ampzilla MK2 I am auditioning is for sale and it is more in the range of what I can spend.  I am going to listen for a few more days, but I am pretty sure I will be keeping this Son of Ampzilla MK2.