110V/50Hz equipment in a 220V/60Hz country.


I am living in the US, where I have
bought a couple of decent pieces
of high end equipment. I am considering
buying a couple more pieces, at a higher
price level, to upgrade my system, but have
the following problem: I am from Europe,
and there is a good chance I'll be
back in Europe in the next 2-4 years.

What are the acceptable options
regarding stereo equipment if I move,
apart from selling everything except
the dynamic speakers and starting
from scratch?

Given the difference in cycles,
is simply buying transformers
for voltage conversion
an acceptable option? Other options?

The equipment in question is
pre and power amp, SACD,
DVD-V and A, tuner.

Thank you!
Thank you all for the responses.
Most of them have focused on the power amp,
I must admit I am just as worried about the CD and tape
player. Can the change in frequency affect the operation?
(this may be a very naive question, but anyway.)

Cheers, and thanks,
Hi Vas, some (rotor) motors depend heavily on cycles to keep the right speed (TTs, cdp's & tape players use motors). So, IMO you're best converting these machines to EU (if that's where you're headed!) standard 230/50. Surely manufacturers can oblige when the time comes... I shouldn't worry -- or am I too optmistic?

Motors in cdp and tape decks are dc motors so frequency change does not have any impact. However, TT motors tend to be ac and frequency change will affect its operation.