Solid State Phono Preamp recommendations $3k-$4k new range

Any recommendations on a solid state preamp in the $3,000 - $4,000 price range new?  

I have yet to purchase a TT so I'm flexible on that and cartridge but leaning towards a VPI Scoutmaster with Orotofon Cadenze Bronze cartridge.  The limiting factor is my Bryston BP26 preamp which has an input impedance of only 10k ohms.  
Take a look at the Gold Note PH10 with the PSU 10 power supply which comes in around $2500 for both.  EXCEPTIONAL phono stage- all adjustments are easily made on the front with display- multiple curves, loading, gain are easy and can be done on the fly.  It handles 2 phono inputs as well if you happen to need that.  I have had this for 6 months - it blew away the Parasound JC3+ completely in sound quality and dynamics.  Just my opinion of course, but I found this gem to be an exceptional bargain and a wonderful performer.
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@jwpstayman agree the PH10 plus ps is wonderful it too beat out a JC3+. Very flexible but sonically just wonderful.