Opinions on Transparent Cables

Hi All,

I am a very big fan of Transparent cables. I have been for many many years. Just getting back into the HT arena again (had to sell off my old rig after my divorce 15 years ago) I knew right where to start - right where I had left off 15 years ago :). That included using all Transparent interconnects and speaker cable. Interestingly I was also looking at Audioquest interconnects and speaker cable but had a dealer that sells both flat out say "If you liked the Transparent you will not care for the Audioquest at all". He unequivocally said Transparent is the way to go (and the Audioquest I was looking at was more $$ yet he still steered me to Transparent)...I ended up going with Transparent Plus across the 3 fronts for speaker cable and interconnects and Music Link interconnects for my rears.

I was just curious how Transparent is looked upon here in the Audiophile community?

Thanks for the opinions...jafant I had the MM1 series...Back in the day I found Transparent Cables to be a perfect match with my Dynaudio's. 

I honestly have yet to hear anything bad about Transparent but yet I don't see them get a lot of press either which is why I was curious about folks here thought...

I think Transparent's lower cost cables are terrific, and often overlooked because of their super expensive stuff...
They are good cables , but can be pricey like the MIT, I think Bruce use to be a part of Transparent cables before MIT, both are good company.
The only negative thing that I've heard about Transparent cables is a slight rolloff of the highs due to the low-pass network. On some systems, that might be a blessing.
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