I feel i have been done wrong by TMR..

The story I'm about to tell does not reflect in anyway any purposely wrongdoing by TMR.
I have dealt with TMR in the past and although there was a glitch, they went out of their way to rectify it and all ended well; so, I know they are good guys that practice good business. However, the other day I purchased, and by purchase, I mean moved into a cart and then pressed the pay button for a pair of Gallo speakers. To my surprise I received an SMS saying my card was charged on the one hand, and at the same time I've received a Message that the speakers have already been sold to someone else. This is the short end of the story; the full story ‏shows up a few posts below. I admit at first I've been very upset and I started this post in a different way, it parked a lot of reaction, most of it in favor of TMR which I find to be great, but the real question I want to ask and this is regardless of if it happened with TMR or with any other venue, is,  how can it be that once you move any product into a cart and press the pay button within a few moments the product can be sold simultaneously to another buyer? isn't there any smarter way to prevent such an incident which is obviously going to leave one of the customers disappointed and upset?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xthesound
I hate to be too positive, but I have had multiple transactions with The Music Room and they have been great. Shipping on time, products were as advertised or in better condition. They always have given great prices on trade-ins, including multiple products, unlike most of the high-end audio dealers.

I guess my only slight complaint is they tend to push PS Audio products a bit, but heck, I like Paul McGowan.
I have a problem with this guy who starts with I Feel like I have been wronged by TMR did he attempt to contact them before his post? Then when the overwhelming majority of the people came to the defense of TMR his only response was ”That is why he said he used the words I FEEL as a defense to all these positive reviews. My suggestion take your issues to TMR directly first and give them time to respond and if they don't then take your issues to a forum
I have had multiple dealings (6) with TMR from electronic, cables and speakers. The transactions have always been excellent with great communications. Their shipping is not cheap but second to non. I found that they were willing to listen and work with me each and every time during a transaction, very nice folks. I wouldn't hesitate dealing with them again!
I have bought 2 or 3 times from TMR. Seeing as I am in UK they seem perhaps too willing to send internationally. The last time was more than a year ago when I bought a surround sound processor and the menu system was faulty. I have and have had a number of various makes so I am familiar with how they work and the menu systems. When I contacted them they were pretty adamant that it was not faulty, but regardless were honorable and arranged return shipping and refund. I did not hear from them confirming the fault. Testing a processor may be a bit complicated, it is not just a question of switching on and seeing lights!