I've been dragged to recommendations, kicking and screaming

As a Tidal subscriber, every time I log in new hip hop artists are recommended to me.  Hilarious as I never listen to them, but lately I've been letting Roon play on and I'm discovering new artists and music I would not otherwise.

What's your experience been with online streaming and automated recommendation systems?
Batting average isn't quite a Thousand, but I generally like the suggestions Primephonic's Classical Evangelist emails my way a whole lot.
I give a +1 to Spotify's recommendations.
Even the Discover Weekly offers up some obscure gem.
Though lately, I have been listening mostly to NPR/WAPO news, along with Seth Meyers and Trevor Noah. I got a 3 month discounted trial, but, I have to say Spotify, despite not being hi rez, offers a lot more than Qobuz. Even the 'Fans also like' has brought me to artists I never heard of and like.
I switched to Qobuz. It recommends only in the genres I’ve expressed interest in. Many of those recommendations have been fun to listen to.

I like Qobuz for the true HR streams, also, rather than MQA ones. As a DSP user, I find MQA problematic.
On ROON I often search up someone I want to check out and while listening to them I check out the recommended albums as I scroll down.  I've found some really good stuff that way.  
I use tidal as well as thousands of ripped and purchased rebook and hi-res music. I use Roon hints to explore new music. Roon's recommendations for similar artists to the 1 you are listening to have been eye opening