What are the best tuners each company has made, and how you started?

I know this will be subjective and biased towards what a person currently owns.........but that said, what are the best model tuners you have owned.  Best, meaning sonics first, but if you want to include reliability and looks...that is understandable. 

My top tuners are:   
Magnum Dynalab 108
Magnum Etude, 101A
Sansui TU-919 & 717
Fanfare (not sure of the model number)
And there were some good ones from Sony, Marantz, Pioneer, Kenwood, & others.  I 
even had a Heathkit for you old timers to remember.  And in thinking about this, I have likely 
owned more tuners than amps, CD players, turntables and most anything else....except speakers.

I have enjoyed much for radio and tuners throughout my life, but really must thank my parents 
for getting me an early Emerson AM/FM table radio that I could pick up great AM rock & roll 
stations on....and welcome the "British Invasion" on WLS, KIOA, KAAY, KOMA and others. 
Between those stations and Ed Sullivan, my interest in music became a permanent part 
of my life.  And even though I was into Rock, the Sullivan show introduced me to Jazz, Classical 
and some of the best comedians of the day.....thanks Ed.

Hi Ed,
I too have owned a bunch of tuners over the years and it’s tough to compare one against the other when you don’t have the chance to a-b them, you can only go by your recollection of how you liked a certain tuner.

However, for the past 2-3 years, I’ve used 2 tuners and a-b’d them all the time and it was truly amazing how close in sound many good tuners really are.  The PS Audio ST-1 tuner I just sold was virtually indistinguishable from my trusty NAD 4300 tuner, while I greatly preferred the NAD to a Quad FM4 and to a lesser extent over a Perreaux TU-1.

I like analog tuners over digital ones any day of the week but some digital tuners are really cool though.  Some of the better sounding digital tuners I’ve had were:  NEC T710, B&K TS108, Sumo Charlie, ads T2, and the Perreaux.

The best analog tuners I’ve had were:  Creek CAS3140, Pioneer TX9800, Sansui TU717, Mac MR71, Dyna FM3, PS Audio ST-1 and a Tandberg 3030 receiver

I’d like to get rid of the NAD because it doesn’t match in color but I don’t want a huge tuner and not much else is really better sounding. I also had a Yamaha T1 and MD FT101A which were nice as well but I don’t think any better than the analog tuners I mentioned.

Wants:  I’d love to try a Meridian 504 if I could find one at a reasonable price or another Sumo Charlie as I sold it prematurely or an Onix

Ed, any tuners that you’d still like to try?
Good Question.  My interest has dimmed a bit after a move to an area that has only one station that I have any interest in.  Redneck music in stereo FM is of no interest to me.  Perhaps I am just a snob, but great, earlier Jazz and well done classical would be my choice. 

As "they" say, my current area has both kinds of music, "your country and your western" .   Isn't it odd that a C&W singer from California still talks like their from the deep South.....I guess part of the culture. 

I've had SS receivers, Tube receivers, Tube Separate; SS Separate, and now the amazing

mx110z McIntosh Tube Tuner/Preamp 



They say give it a strong signal, I have dedicated FM antenna in the attic just above, terrific reception. Carver is without a doubt best for weak stations, but the sound of this tuner is simply awesome.

When deciding, I read somewhere that Richard Modafferi, designer of later McIntosh tuners MR77 and MR78 said there was 'nothing he could to to improve the mx110z tuner, it was that good'.