Repair Or Replace Sub

My JL F112 v1 blew it’s cone out the other day. I called my dealer and they said JL would replace it and the caps (since they were getting to that point too) for ~$900. While I love this sub it did get me thinking if it would be better to take the opportunity to spend say $1500 on a new sub from someone like rythmik rather than pour more money into the old one. Can anything compare to the JL in that price range or am I just going to be disappointed.  
Ag insider logo xs@2xmattlathrop
I sent one of those (F112 v1) to JL for repair in March of this year. The fee was $400 + one-way freight. They have, or at least had, a flat-fee repair service.

If you are in the US, it seems odd that you are being quoted $900. You may want to check the JL Audio Web site or email them and ask for a quote. It’s possible prices have gone up. It’s also possible your dealer is asking for a large commission.
I think that may have been the price for just replacing the cone. But updating the caps was extra? I sent a note to JL to verify. 
Sorry, with my bad eyes, I missed that you had blown the cone! The $400 I paid was for fixing electronics only.