Speaker with most dynamic PUNCH?

What speaker have you heard with the most dynamic PUNCH? I am looking for a 2-way design to be more specific.

I had some Infinity Beta 10. It has a 125 wpc power rating. Sure this is hardly a high-end speaker but still, I was struck by how lifeless the sound was compared to my Seas Excel driver. I attribute this to lower quality magnets and cost cutting design.
I guess highly efficient, large drivers will have the potential to 'punch' more so, since they can move more air with less power.

What that translates to in terms of the quality of the punch is another matter.

Not sure you will get a lot of punch with 2 ways, especially monitors. You'll need a big box.

As always, big sound with big quality costs money.
Any ATC. All punch way above their size. As you correctly surmise, it boils down to large magnets with short coil in large gap and larger diameter voice coils that can cool effectively so that thermal compression is minimized. The other factors are a box tuned to be critically damped or over damped and a forward midrange (mids can effect our perception of punch).