Hello mitch2,
From some of your past replies on other threads,
I remember learning of your disappointments with the performance of some high quality class D amps you've tried in your system. From what I've read, however, the class A Lamm and Clayton amps sound and perform about as good or better than just about any other amps, regardless of amp type. I also believe they're both much more expensive mono-block amps than the Acoustic Imagery and many of the other higher quality class D amps.
So, I just wanted to point out that class D amps offer what I believe many would consider very good full range sound quality, typically at a very reasonable price and, therefore, would be considered a better bargain and amp option by those with limited budgets.
Yes, the main benefits of current class D amps are still power and control, unsurpassed electrical efficiency, ridiculously low distortion and noise floor levels, extremely small size, weight, operating temperatures and relative price.
Sure, their overall full range sound quality may not currently and universally be considered the best in absolute terms. As class D technology continues its steady upward trend in overall full range sound quality performance in absolute terms, however, I believe it currently represents the best, and certainly the most affordable, pathway to high-end sound quality.
In my opinion, it'll also likely just be a matter of time before it's universally considered the premiere amp type, especially considering its near-future DSP technology inclusion and potential. It should at least be very interesting.