Paradigm Personas anyone heard them

No reviews on these yet that I can find. Curious if anyone has heard them and what were your impressions. Also any comparisons to the outgoing signature series?
audiotroy what would you suggest to listen on?  Was thinking about pass lab.  Can you keep it between 2000 and 5k?
driving the 7f with a Hegel h360 bass is excellent and the combination commands attention, so much information, music laid out. They really do make old tunes sound new.
The motorcycle industry is taking advantage of india wages and scale of economy so will audio? I wonder
I heard the Persona bookshelf speakers, and I was blown away, best sound I have ever heard. We were able to switch to some B&W 802d,s, and I know this is hard to believe, but the Persona were significantly smother and more transparent, a far better sound. I would love to hear the towers!!