How it works! From a common man.

How a boutique fuses changes the sound in a piece of equipment, and how (at least) one became directional.

How they made it directional. Yes SOME, very few, are made that way. I'll Explain what I found.
Why it works or NOT. This is NOT a fuse shoot out.  This is a, "WHY it works", Not "it just does", session. LOL

Everyone is welcome to help me figure out why it works, BUT why it doesn't, with a reason, is VERY welcome.

No name callin'.  Don't call folks liars, just state your personal learning extravaganza, HOW, and WHY.

We'll figure out WHY, and HOW it effects something.. Cause and Effect. NO PSYCHOBABBLE.

Big words hurt my head, keep it simple for us common folks if you would please.

I promise to be on my best behavior, maybe. :-)
It's an interesting theory, but in absence of spring loading, what is causing the seating, and the graphite sheets, only conducts well along their length, not through the sheets (as in this application) which would be many layers thick as the diamond dust will still have comparatively a large particle size.  Have you ever tried it with graphite? Maybe you would prefer it.  Wasn't Moly (still made?) embedded with really fine copper back when all engine blocks were iron.

If you are going just on resistance, it can be proven with a good low resistance meter.

My thinking is the dust is VERY sharp, and harder than  the surface material on the fuse and the holder. Second, I'm talking a VERY small potion of dust VERY small. Lets make that clear. My thinking, again, is the particles are spaced pretty far apart, AND the only thing that won't migrate very well BUT enough, not to stack. For the lack of a better term.

Remove the dampening control for 2-300 hours, the dust will cut into the material, until it's "almost" metal to metal and then NOT move again after the dampening is put back in.. That metal to metal and what is left it won't be the dust. Again my thinking..

Just thinkin out loud.. The fuse holders are spring loaded, the question is HOW. The spring can be a problem too, I suppose.

One thing to keep in mind though, if the dust is very sharp and penetrates the metal surface, that could be akin to metal spikes on snow tires, i.e would prevent any further movement except in the direction of trying to penetrate the metal which may not be the required or optimum movement for closest contact.

The biggest benefit or change of the "combo" may not be electrical but thermal.
The Emperor has no clothes!

This is incredibly stupid.

So. This “fuse” has ac current going through it, doesn’t it? ALTERNATING current? The kind that doesn’t give a tinker’s behind which end of a fuse is tapered?

And “graphene” paste?? Give me a BREAK! Graphene is a single atom thick hexagonal lattice of carbon atoms. Like a honey comb. You mean graphite paste, don’t you?? Yes. You do.

So gullible! I’d bet you I can pretend to fiddle-fart with your “fuse” and have you A/B it, and you’d SWEAR it sounds better after I “fixed” it!!

Asinine and idiotic. Yup. Both!
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