Worth a try if you already have a set and you may or may not hear a difference with one of the Pro Audio versions. I only had one combo where I thought there was a slight dulling of the top end but that was a different brand of amp than Odyssey.
As to the SYS, who cares about sexy if it works and fits in your current budget.
If down the road you decide to swap preamps and don’t want to deal with a tube one a great option with your speakers is to find a used Wyred4Sound STP-SE which is a really good combo with the Odyssey amps. The first two thirds of it’s volume control is passive and then the active buffer kicks in. I never had it kick in with the Odyssey amps or even get anywhere close even with 83db Vandersteen Treo CT’s.
Also if you haven't heard back from Mike about using 12AU7's in place of the 12AT7's via e-mail pick up the phone and call him as that's the preferred method of communication for a lot of the "old timers" in the industry.
As to the SYS, who cares about sexy if it works and fits in your current budget.
If down the road you decide to swap preamps and don’t want to deal with a tube one a great option with your speakers is to find a used Wyred4Sound STP-SE which is a really good combo with the Odyssey amps. The first two thirds of it’s volume control is passive and then the active buffer kicks in. I never had it kick in with the Odyssey amps or even get anywhere close even with 83db Vandersteen Treo CT’s.
Also if you haven't heard back from Mike about using 12AU7's in place of the 12AT7's via e-mail pick up the phone and call him as that's the preferred method of communication for a lot of the "old timers" in the industry.