Not trying to hijack this, but don't forget to try a different fuse. The SR Orange change was also noticeable. I describe it as making the black parts of the music blacker thereby letting the instruments stand apart and increased the detail.
This is why tube rolling is such a waste. For every set of tubes you try the one thing you know for sure is you are out the money. They may well wind up being worse than what you already have. Now you have an extra set of tubes sitting around you don't want to use except for spares. So what? Are you gonna roll the dice again? Just how many spares do you need?? When that same money would buy a new fuse, or maybe a few, or some PHT if you have a turntable, HFT for sure (everyone has a room) or heck Nobsound springs, or even the really crazy good Townshend Pods could be had for what some sets of tubes will run you. All of these guaranteed to elevate, and with zero risk any of them goes bbbllzzzlzlzlsalzlzl SNAP in a blaze of glory like lets face it tubes can do.
But hey, if you are "that guy" then at least do it right, give Dave Thompson at Raven Audio a call, he totally knows tubes, killer selection too. Can't guarantee he sells if you don't have a Raven, but I bet he would steer you right.