Tubular1- For those that like the JJ tubes - what is it that makes them good? Alos, where do you buy them?
JJ are just as detailed and extended, yet just a tiny bit more liquid, which adds up to a bit deeper and more palpable sound stage. Compared to what? Tungsol, Gold Lion, ElectroHarmonix, and especially compared to the worst of all time, the only tube so bad I would say AVOID because literally 3 out of 5 failed spectacularly and within barely 2 months (!) tubestore.com "Preferred Series". Preferred?!?!? As compared to a root canal - maybe!!
Oh well, they did honor the warranty- and gave me some credit when I said you know what, I am just not willing to risk tubes this bad in my amp unattended, which makes them totally unsuitable, so how about give me a deal on the tubes I know are good: JJ. And they did. And they are in there now, year and a half later, and still sound great. Just ask the guys who were here last Saturday.