The cost of LP's and CD's - an observation

Back just before CD's, Albums were usually around $6-8.00, cutout less, double albums a bit more. When CD's first came out they were 'premium' items and cost $10-15.00, slowly the prices for CD's came down and records slowly all went down to a buck or two then disappeared. Now it's reversed, CD's are a few bucks, new Albums are usually around $15 to 25.00. (I didn't figure out the inflation rate, someone else can add that in) . And those cutouts can now be worth a small fortune. I just thought this reversal was interesting. Of course with Streaming, music of any quality is very cheap.

I have been buying CD's on that auction site for a few months. It is my observation that CD prices are now slowly ascending. The price of vinyl is pulling them up. Slowly, but surely.
This was my exact thought in Best Buy the other day. When cd’s first came out I was still buying albums due the cost difference. Now it has done a 180 and don’t know why. IMO the industry must feel that us old farts who still have turntables must have money and will just pay up. I will guarantee you that not a single person under the age of 50 is buying albums. This is obvious when you look at the titles they are putting to vinyl. I will continue to look through the bins at the antique shops. Still searching for “eat a peach” in good condition.
Check out this graph sgreg1. A lot of younger people do buy vinyl, but keep in mind this graph is bought at least 1 album, not the total bought.  Over 55 are buying more than ever, perhaps a grasp at youth :-).   The group 45-54 bought less in 2019 than 2018.  This would be the first group who grew up with vinyl, but quickly replaced it early into adulthood. They don't have quite the attachment. Younger buyer are buying, but no real growth.

So many CDs were made since 1982 that the ever-increasing amount of used ones has driven down prices as many people switched to the convenience of streaming. Ditto for movie DVDs! I prefer ownership of physical media. And will continue to buy CDs and DVDs at bargain prices.
I do most of my used LP buying on eBay for convenience. In my area (Pasco County, Florida) the Goodwills and thrift shops have sparse collections to hunt through. Not like where I previously lived - Fairfield County, CT (wealthiest part of a wealthy state). I hardly ever buy any new (reissue) LPs. Too expensive!