Is a dedicated transport justified?

In my system I am running an AMC CD6 as a transport into a Monarchy Audio DIP then into a Theta Pro Basic DAC, if I got a stand alone transporr for something in the range under $500 used would there be a great sonic benefit?
Thanks for any and all help......Chad
I find it difficult to hear a big difference in transports.I'm sure there is depending on what's being compared. However Dacs are totally different. With all the stuff your running, I wonder if you could hear a difference as well. If you have a transport with low jitter already, while at the same time your using a jitter reducing component in between the Dac and Transport. It would be a waste of money to bother with a stand alone transport IMHO. Unless your not planning to use the DIP anymore.

On top of that..I would rather have a multi format/transport that plays ever disc I can throw at it. Than some of the stand alone transports out there that can only play certain disc.
I think I second Gmood, but you might experiment with digital cables between the AMC and the DIP. When I had a transport-DIP-DAC setup, the difference between the basic Canare and the Acoustic Zen MC2 was unbelievable... more than the difference between the Monarchy's SuperDIP and the 48/96 Upsampler! On a different note, you might also want to experiment with certain inexpensive recent DVD/Universal players that are reported to be surprizingly good transports- check audio asylum for threads.
Good luck
Buy a Theta Data II transport for $400 on the 'gon. It will be the best $400 you will ever spend.
I have always heard differences between transports. This one is unbeleviable for what you pay.