Is a dedicated transport justified?

In my system I am running an AMC CD6 as a transport into a Monarchy Audio DIP then into a Theta Pro Basic DAC, if I got a stand alone transporr for something in the range under $500 used would there be a great sonic benefit?
Thanks for any and all help......Chad
Buy a Theta Data II transport for $400 on the 'gon. It will be the best $400 you will ever spend.
I have always heard differences between transports. This one is unbeleviable for what you pay.
I agree with Nutella, the Theta Data Basic II is awesome. I don't think that you'll find a better buy.

If you up the ante to $1,500.00 for a new piece, the Stello CDT-200 blew away my Theta Data Basic II in every aspect except the soundstage depth.

Maybe a bit higher than you want to spend but I have owned a Data 3 for 10 years. I have a/b'd several dvd combos such as Sony 7000/7700/ Arcam fmj27--- The low end slam would be the one area Theta does the punishing to these pretenders.--So, yes transports matter.
If a unit is bit perfect with low jitter. How much more slam can you get? I would think slam comes from the analog output stage of the Dac..not the transport? Please explain to me how you get more slam out of one transport if both use the same cables,have close to 75 ohms output and bit perfect. I really would like to know. Or does this transport magical add data that's not there from the beginning?

I owned a Dac at one time, that allowed me to change the bit rate. I didn't hear much of a difference if any. It also allowed me to increase the sound level of the music playing.
Since disc are recorded at different levels this maybe helpful in some cases. I think this still falls under the Dac's analog output stage giving you a precieved increase of slam.
