So you have a great hi end stereo preamp, but

you can’t funnel any sound from your ht system thru this magical box. Seems kinda sad. 
I can do a stereo signal in my avr from wherever, but this probably ain’t the same. 

I have my AVR surround system in one room and my hi end stereo system in another.  The sound that comes from the hi end system has  depth, air and 3 dimensionality, and the texture of the music.  The AVR system thumps,and punches in a solid 2 dimensions, even though its a surround system.  There is no delicacy.  Some of my friends prefer the AVR system.....
The problem was discussed on different forums before and most common conclusion is to have two separate systems. 
you can’t funnel any sound from your ht system thru this magical box.
Uh, sure you can. With ****any**** preamp.
Millercarbon re: "The great writer Harlan Ellison, speaking of Joan Collins, said, "Her mind is a vast barren plain, across which winds play, endlessly."

She was good in his episode of Star Trek tho’