"Oh, he can. For sure. Probably does. So what? Its still ruining the sound merely having the thing in the same room. People probably think I’m kidding, or exaggerating. I am not. I tried all this stuff, and with much better processors than any avr! HT is a wasteland. Guaranteed to bring down any system, any price, even just being in the room and turned on. Not even necessary to connect it to anything. Its that bad."
"Oh, he can. For sure. Probably does. So what? Its still ruining the sound merely having the thing in the same room. People probably think I’m kidding, or exaggerating. I am not. I tried all this stuff, and with much better processors than any avr! HT is a wasteland. Guaranteed to bring down any system, any price, even just being in the room and turned on. Not even necessary to connect it to anything. Its that bad."