Active external crossover

Does anyone know of a good active external crossover?

I know Krell used to make a good one 30 years ago.

I’d like to bi- amp, but have no good active external crossover any more.
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I’ve tried a few, I have yet to find one that is GREAT, just so you know. I have two F5 First Watt, (not made anymore), Probably the best of all the ones I tried. I found the combination of active and passive works the best. Neither on it’s own is GREAT. Together they are. The F5 is a 2 way for OB it has a step, that can be tailored, I modded the TWO to have a 3 way, it was a pain. Looked like something in the RUSSIAN space station, STUFF everywhere..:-)

ABOVE 3-500hz a great passive XO, you can work out the slopes, XO points, with an active, then take those specs and build an passive for the mids and highs. Easy as could be.. You can build a point to point, or buy a 2 way board. you could layout your own on a BB or wood block for that matter..

I use a Behringer 2496, 3 input (summation), great to a point. Makes it easy to work out the remainder of the XO 300.00 usd.

The better the active the less it will do, parts for multi XO cost money, the fewer the options, the lower the cost. WIMA will be in them anyway, if your lucky.

I suppose a Krell would have a pretty nifty setup, tailored to SOME speakers. They have never cheaped out, that I’ve ever seen. I have a few Krell products. $$$$ for sure..
