Quick update: I’m hearing early December now. Dealer finally getting some more concrete delivery dates it seems plus I have seen similar available dates published elsewhere so the wait may soon be over.
Crikey, the demand for these speakers must be phenomenal.
I'm sorry you're having to wait so long. It doesn't seem right.
It's one thing when you know that the wait will be a few weeks, and quite another when that date keeps getting moved back.
"I'm sure everyone has bigger things to stress out about than waiting for some new toys."
We do, but it's the toys that help to keep us going. Now I don't need to upgrade my phone for one with an edge to edge amoled display, but I just might.
Well true I didn’t know it would take this long when I ordered them and I could have gone with the standard color like my current ls50s but hey everyone needs a little spice in their life like a different color every once in a while, and I do have 6 other speaker pairs set up around the house (crazy eh?) to listen to anyhow so I will survive. 🥸. Not to mention headphones. So they will hopefully be a special holiday treat.
Also there is the pandemic which I know has impacted a lot of companies who make speakers in recent months so a little extra patience is in order for these things these days it seems to me.
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